Hands (doing/acting)

Educational Programming

Anti-Racism Daily Newsletter

Nicole Cardoza

Multiracial Coalition



Since June 3, the Anti-Racism Daily has been sending one email a day pairing current events with historical context and personal reflections on how racism persists in the U.S. (and around the world).

The newsletter is free, and readers can make a contribution here. There’s also a paid group subscription option for workplaces and schools to get weekly discussion guides, monthly reporting, and other perks.

The Anti-Racism Daily started as a casual project by Nicole Cardoza, who acts as editor-in-chief and identifies as a cisgender Black woman.

Bystander Intervention Training to Stop Anti-Asian Harrassment and Xenophobia


Web Interactive Training



The one-hour, interactive training will teach you Hollaback!’s 5D’s of bystander intervention methodology. We’ll start by talking about the types of disrespect that Asian and Asian American folks are facing right now — from microaggressions to violence — using a tool we call the “spectrum of disrespect.” You’ll learn what to look for and the positive impact that bystander intervention has on individuals and communities. We’ll talk through five strategies for intervention: distract, delegate, document, delay, and direct; and how to prioritize your own safety while intervening. We’ll have time at the end for practice, and you’ll leave feeling more confident intervening the next time you see Anti-Asian/American harassment online or in person.

Sign on to Asian Americans Advancing Justice - Atlanta's community statement

Asian Americans Advancing Justice - Atlanta

Community statement



Sign on to our collective community statement to stand in solidarity with us as we develop our community-centered response and denounce the misogyny, white supremacy, and systemic racism that motivate violence against Asian American communities and other communities of color.

Share the resources you can offer to the victims and their families

Asian Americans Advancing Justice - Atlanta




In this moment, we know many of our friends, neighbors, and community members may need help. If you have an offering of resources, please share them via the form below. Thank you for your generous heart and spirit. If we do not reach out, please don't be discouraged. There are only a few of us sorting through the responses and we may not have capacity to respond to all offers.


Look for and support AAPI/BIPOC-owned businesses

Purchasing behavior


Donate to a cause that you care about

Various causes
